On World Wetlands Day, WHO celebrates the vital role of wetlands in safeguarding human health and wellbeing amid the changing climate. Wetlands including marshes, swamps and floodplains are nature’s buffer against climate change. They absorb excess rainfall, reduce flooding risks and help to protect critical infrastructure including health facilities.

Ressources de communication

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World Wetlands Day Messages and Statements

Basil Lindgren
Sao Tomé-et-Principe
Hi, We are a provider of premium databases for companies. I want to know if you need any sort of data for your business? Please respond to this email and let us know what you are looking for. Regards Jannes
Great Solars
"Pledge to harness the power of great solar energy, illuminating our future with sustainable brilliance." https://greatsolars.com/
Arabella Shrimpton
I pledge to save the wet lands and the animals that live in the wet lands by being conscious about the water I am using.
Attorney Manish Jadhav
Stopping illegal tree's cutting by authorities and adamants through advocacy by fling writ petitions

Zones humides

Surface émergée saturée d’eau ou inondée, soit en permanence, soit selon les saisons.

Zones humides continentales:

Marais, lacs, cours d’eau, plaines d’inondation, toubières et marécages  

Zones humides côtières:

Marais salés, estuaires, mangroves, et lagunes et récifs coralliens

Zones humides artificielles:

Etangs de pisciculture, rizières et marais salants

Galerie de photos des zones humides


Voir la galerie de photo

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